СТОП НАТО! Геноцид над Србијом и Републиком Српском!!!


/ #414

2014-05-23 15:24

We’re accusing the NATO because of the bombing of Serbia and the Serbian Republic during the 90’s.

Within the use of depleted Uranium and the bombing of Serbia and the Serbian Republic the Convention of Haag and Geneva was broken!

Also without regarding the breaking of this convention we do have the right to accuse, because our fundamental basis for life is threatened.That was ECOCIDE,BIOCIDE and GENOCIDE.
If we do want to, or not - we will live in contaminated areas and it’s not right, that nobody should assume the responsibility for that!

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BlhxuB80TyQ look at www.youtube.com : Deadly Dust - Frieder Wagner