Suboticki azil 'Kamp Smrti' - Opet ga otvaraju o nasem trosku

Srpska verzija:

Od 2006. godine zoohigijenska služba Subotice uhvatila je 4500 pasa i mačaka, a imala je objekat smeštajnog kapaciteta 64 psa. Od pre 1.5 godine taj kapacitet iznosi 234 psa, dok za mačke ne postoji adekvatan smeštaj, iako su uhvatili 310 mačaka. Trenutno brojno stanje iznosi 180 pasa + 0 mačaka. Zbog nepostojanja Programa kontrole neodgovornih vlasnika koji se po članu 54. Zakona o dobrobiti životinja treba zvati Program kontrole i smanjenja populacije napuštenih pasa i mačaka, a dužna ga je napraviti gradska uprava uz piramidu reprodukcije pasa i mačaka, smeštajni kapacitet nikada neće moći zadovoljiti specifičnosti sredine u Subotici (što važi i za svih 170 gradova u Srbiji, jer ni jedan grad u Srbiji nema zakonit ovaj Program, a Zakon o dobrobiti životinja to nalaže još od 10.6.2009. godine).

Ako neko želi da pošalje pismo direktno na email adrese, primerak pisma kao i adrese se nalaze na ovom linku:

English version:

The Mayor of Subotica City has plan to close AZIL ALEX shelter by carrying the dogs from the shelter into what is wrongly called the city ‘shelter’.

The city shelter only has places for 234 dogs. There are currently app. 180 dogs already at the city shelter which have been caught and taken there by dog catchers.

Azil Alex currently has 600 dogs. Those 600 can’t fit into 234 places that the city ‘shelter’ is offering, especially when there are already 180 dogs in there!

We are working along with many others who have informed us that the Mayor is doing this with the hope that many of the dogs when placed into the city shelter will simply kill each other – such is the city ‘shelter’ – not exactly providing much in the way of ‘shelter’ for anything.

If dogs kill each other, then more spaces become available; these are filled with more dogs, which fight and kill each other; the death cycle continues!

We suggest to the Mayor maybe he should change the name of the facility to ‘Subotica City Animal Death Camp’, which we consider is a much more descriptive statement for what actually happens there.

In case you wish to send a letter directly to the relevant parties, you can find the sample letter and email addresses here: (you can always write your own letter, of course).



Andrea Sreiber    Kontaktirajte autora peticije