Spasimo konje iz neregistrovanog konjičkog kluba Singidunum!!!
Vladimir Mitić na hipodromu ima neregistrovan konjički klub Singidunum, čovek koji drži konje na hipodromu u lošim i nehumanim uslovima, zlostavlja ih i povredjuje, neke je i usmrtio!!!
Po izjavi N.M. : Vladimir Mitić je izbačen sa hipodroma, ali on je i dalje u privatnim štalama.
Konji su mu u katastrofalnim uslovima. Ne djubri boksove mesecima. Konji stoje na piljevini koja izgleda kao zemlja koliko je prljava.
Bije ih. Užasno ih bije. Vilama, po sapima, po ledjima, užas živi. Vezuje ih i trpa u male boksove, stavlja kobile i pastuve zajedno. Juče je ispao haos dole, dva konja su se uplela, mala kobilica umalo se nije udavila. Crna kobila koja radi, mala neka, se malo izbacila, krenuo je nogom da je šutira u stomak, dete je palo sa nje.
Moja kobila je oteta od njega pre nekoliko godina jer je tukao i maltretirao, nekako smo skupili novac i odvedena je od njega. Al on stalno nabavlja i preprodaje konje.
Deca mu šetaju decu. Obuči nekoga za jako kratko vreme i ta osoba bez iskustva drži časove.
Zvali smo policiju. Policija kaže da je nadležna komunalna. Komunalna kaže da je nadležna veterinarska inspekcija. Veterinarska prosledjuje na policiju. I u krug. Ima brda zapisnika u policiji, niko mu ne može ništa. Direktor hipodroma pizdi, čak ga je i izbacio, al sa privatnog dela ne može. Konji se užasno pate sa njim.
Zamislite kada konj od 500kg se nabije u ćošak u polusedeći stav dok ga ovaj bije lopatom po ledjima jer je prosuo vodu.
On je ubio moju kobilu24.08.2012. Ubacivao joj je preko vrata kukuruz. Policija je bila. Od toga nije bilo ništa. Ja sam otišla odatle. Moja prijateljica i njena mama su sada dole. Ona je preplakala ceo jučerašnji dan kada je nastao haos. Umalo se nisu ubili ovo dvoje kad su se upleli i umalo nisu ubili ovu kobilicu koja se davila. Potpuno su svi bespomoćni.
Potpisivanjem peticije dajete svoj glas da nadlezni organi u slucaju Vladimira Mitića postupe po zakonu i da se pocinioc kazni najstrozom kaznom, kao i da mu se zabrani pristup i rad sa zivotinjama.
Vise o slucaju mozete pratiti na :
Save horses from unregistered Equestrian Club "Singidunum"
Vladimir Mitic at the Belgrade Hippodrome has unregistered Equestrian Club "Singidunum", a man who keeps horses in bad and inhumane conditions, abusing them and hurting, and some is killed!!! According to the statement- NM said: Vladimir Mitic was expelled from the hippodromme, but he is still in private stables. Manager of hippodrome is helpless trying everything to stop Vladimir Mitic abuse and torturing horses, but he also cannot stop this crime. We did try everything to stop him,to take him to court,under police investigation. His horses are in disastrous conditions. He does not trash boxes for months. Horses are sawdust that looks like soil how dirty is. He beats them. Attack them with villas on the back. Binding and placing into small boxes, placed mares and stallions together. Yesterday two horses were entwined, small mare had almost drowned. Black mare that works, some small, little kicked out, he kick with the foot in the stomach of the mare, the child fell from her. My mare was abducted from him a few years ago because he had beaten and abused, somehow we raised money and she was taken from him. But he constantly purchases and resells horses. Train someone for a very short time and the person without experience holds lessons. We understood reporting him to police he has someone backing him up and corruption took its place, police and different type of inspection offices sent us in circle, we cannot take him off of private part from hippodrome. He has a lot of crime reports at police, but he is untouchable. Horses are suffering terribly with him. Imagine when the horse from 500kg to crawl into a corner of the half-stance while it beats the shovel on the back because the spilled water. He killed my mare 24.08.2012. Dropping her corn. The police visited hippodrome. Since nothing happened. I went from there. my friend and her mom did stay at that place. She cried for a whole day yesterday when the chaos started. We are all helpless. None of it it did help until now. We don't want to loose this fight, we are voices for this tortured, abused and killed horses. Please spread the word,help us by signing this petition and sharing it world widely.Thank you for helping us.
By signing this petition your voice could help alarming authorities to stop and punish and forbid Vladimir Mitic to continue work with horses and any other animals.
More about the case and case updates you can read at :
This case link is in Serbian.
-Udruzenje Drazevac Kontaktirajte autora peticije